sábado, junio 1, 2024
States in México

Veracruz has the capacity to ensure the milk production that the country requires: Governor Cuitláhuac García / @CuitlahuacGJ @GobiernoVer >>>

#EstadoDeVeracruz.- Small and medium-sized milk producers in the center of the state will be able to have a better quality of life and enhance their capabilities, since the Mexican Food Safety Agency (SEGALMEX) pays them from Wednesday 10.60 pesos per liter through the Basic Food Products Guarantee Prices program.

Hence, Veracruz «does have the capacity to ensure the required quantities; we started with 30 thousand liters, then we raised 15 thousand, we reached 75 and we are going for more,» said Governor Cuitláhuac García Jiménez during the signing of the agreement to increase production.

The state currently contributes 75,000 liters to the plant, which has a capacity of 325,000 liters. «Just as Oaxaca is the capital of DICONSA, we want Veracruz to be the capital of LICONSA because it can solve the problem of shortages in other regions,» said SEGALMEX CEO Leonel Cota Montaño.

The public servant specified that after bottling, 168,337 people who buy at one of the 587 points of sale in the state are benefited; in total, 60 million liters are distributed monthly.

Depending on the degree of vulnerability of each population, LICONSA’s Social Supply Program offers indigenous communities a price of 4.50 pesos; for adults over 60 years of age, pregnant women and children a price of 5.50 pesos, while the price for the general public is 18 pesos.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico Noticias tv

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